On Camera TV/Film Act & Audition
Comedy & Dramatic Scripts

Age 7-10
Saturday, Sep 28 - Dec 07
Sunday, Sep 29 - Dec 08
11:00am - 12:30pm
Pearl Studios
519 8th Avenue, 12th Fl
New York, NY 10018

Whether it’s their first time in front of the camera or they already have some on-set experience under their belts, kids will always be influenced by the shows they see on TV, or by whatever goes viral on a seemingly daily basis. This can often mislead the younger viewers to think that hamming it up for the camera is more entertaining than being truthful and organic in your expression.  Your agents and casting directors know and can see the difference.

Our Kids On-Camera class explores the fundamentals of honest and truth-centered acting through a variety of comedic and dramatic monologues and scenes.  Good habits start early.  Unfortunately, so do bad.  Young actors simply don’t know the right way to explore and attack copy.  They need to learn and hone bringing a sense of themselves to the moment, but not focusing on their own emotions.  ATNY is Meisner based, so we help our young talent focus externally.  Nothing is planned or canned and every moment is and should be different.  Every time they do a mono or scene, they should be exploring a different version of the moment, all the while, understanding that the stakes are high and there’s something they need in the scene.

Young actors will learn where and how to focus in front of camera in an audition setting.  Classmates will be partnered with script and provide help with monologues.  Young actors will learn to explore and observe, crucial elements in all scene work.  There should and will be a succinct difference in the understanding and quality of your child’s acting ability over the course of the 9-weeks.  This class offers a deeper insight into truth-centered expression and realism. Primary focus is on the feeling behind the words, the internalization of emotions, and the ability to take direction from a director.  The class also explores instinctive behavior in relation to the actors’ surroundings by identifying sensory ques and grounding oneself.  Additional focus is given to consciously manipulating elements of breath, beat, and pace.

Final ATNY Industry Showcase is now separate and optional.  All Current Fall Actors will receive a coupon code for a discounted showcase.  Please look under workshops to inquire.  3-Separate Rooms, 10 Industry, Agents, Managers and Now, Casting Director Rooms.

Current ATNY Fall Actors:  75       Non-Current Fall Actors:  145



On Camera TV/Film Act & Audition
Comedy & Dramatic Scripts
Select a date to register:
Starting Saturday Sep 28, 2024
9 Weeks, 11:00am - 12:30pm
Starting Sunday Sep 29, 2024
9 Weeks, 11:00am - 12:30pm
  • Friendly Payment Plans by Phone
  • 917-763-1777
  • Email Info@ActorsTechniqueNY.com
  • No Classes Thanksgiving Weekend

    * Class Credit Applies to New Face Registrations Only.

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