Full Day Teen Actor Intensive
3-Core Classes. Your Best Value.

Age 14 - 19
Sunday, Sep 29 - Dec 08
Pearl Studios
519 8th Avenue, 12th Fl
New York, NY 10018

ATNY is known for its full day teen intensives.  They are popular and rewarding.  Actors will continue to learn and hone many disciplines throughout the day, all of which are musts for the serious teen actor. Lessons from each class tie into each other, and students –consciously or unconsciously- take aspects of what they learn in one class, and apply it to another. As their approach continues to evolve and progress through the influences of each class, their education experience becomes more and more comprehensive.

Full Day Teen Actor Schedule:

  • 11am – 12:30pm: Improvisation & Spontaneity
  • 1:30pm – 3:00pm: Script Analysis & Character Building
  • 3:00pm – 4:00pm: (Choose One) On-Camera TV/Film Technique Or College Prep Monologues & Admission Counselor

*Actors have a lunch break from 12:30pm – 1:30pm and required to stay in the building unless ATNY has parent permission.  During this time, we offer additional electives (Vocals & Tap Dance).  Electives are not a part of our full day intensive.

**ATNY’s Final Industry Showcase is now optional.  Current Fall actors who would like to participate in the multi industry showcase will get a reduced price from actors not currently in our program, and must register separately.  You may do this at the beginning of the term or anytime up to the showcase.  Fall actors will receive a discount code before registration.  Final Industry Showcase consists of 3-Rooms of Agents, Managers and Casting Directors.

Current Fall Actors:  75    Non-Current Actors: 175

All classes are limited in size.  Should any acting class become too full, ATNY will divide classes for quality control.  Acting Classes will be limited to 8 – 10.  Enjoy the full day ATNY Teen Actor Experience.  It’s comprehensive..and your best value!  Payment options are offered through PayPal or by Phone.  Questions, call us, 917.763.1777.

Full Day Teen Actor Intensive
3-Core Classes. Your Best Value.
Select a date to register:
Starting Sunday Sep 29, 2024
9 Weeks, 11:00am-4:00pm
  • Friendly Payment Plans by Phone, 917-763-1777
  • Email Todd@ActorsTechniqueNY.com
  • No Classes Thanksgiving Weekend
  • Optional Industry Showcase/Marketing Clips

    * Class Credit Applies to New Face Registrations Only.

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