Improvisation for Stronger Choices, Stronger Acting: Creativity & Confidence

Age 7-12
Saturday, Apr 12 - Jun 07
Sunday, Apr 13 - Jun 08
Pearl Studios
519 8th Avenue, 12th Fl
New York, NY 10018

If they could channel all their wonderfulness towards a specific objective, they would be fascinating.  This class is a must for all young actors.  It breeds confidence, creativity and will help take the young actor out of their head.  If you’re in your head, you’re getting in your own way.  This class is about collaboration, adaptability and creativity.  We’ll accept all things coming to us and add to it.  This enhances listening skills, teamwork and leads to stronger audition choices.  Our enhancement exercises avoid competitiveness or stressfulness.  We encourage quick thinking and teamwork in a safe and inclusive environment.

Confidence, Spontaneity, and the power of YOU! Sometimes our feelings of self-consciousness and fear of being embarrassed tend to activate every defense mechanism in the mind, body, and voice. Consequently, the walls come up and we turn into safe versions of ourselves, suppressing every natural and instinctual urge to be funny, silly, and real, at the risk of appearing flawed or simply (gasp!) human. But, if you’re taking the craft seriously and/or currently auditioning, this must not come into play. You must be able to take big chances and leave it all in the audition room.

Our Improv class is the safest environment to take the biggest risks! It is one of our most popular classes because it’s less about doing (performing, acting, forcing) and more about being. Strengthen your auditions by being comfortable in your own skin! Get out of your head and trust yourself, as you learn to make solid choices and go with your gut.  This will lead to wonderful moments in your acting, as some of the best lines and choices in movie history came from the willingness to improv in the moment.

Dare to have fun! And, you’ll see the difference in your auditions! A must class for all actors!


Improvisation for Stronger Choices, Stronger Acting: Creativity & Confidence
Select a date to register:
Starting Saturday Apr 12, 2025
7 Weeks , 1:30pm-3:00pm
Starting Sunday Apr 13, 2025
7 Weeks , 1:30pm-3:00pm
  • Friendly Payment Plans by Phone, 917-763-1777
  • PayPal Payment Option – Buy Now, Pay Later
  • Optional 8th Week Industry Showcase
  • No Classes Easter & Memorial Day Weekends

    * Class Credit Applies to New Face Registrations Only.

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