Welcome to your ultimate theatre adventure. From the moment you step inside, the focused work begins. Over the course of 10 weeks, you will navigate through all aspects of musical stage performance, with Broadway Performers and Producers leading the way, in the most comprehensive program in Long Island.
Through contemporary scene-work, musical numbers, choreography, theatre games, and individualized exercises, performers will be challenged every step of the way, to explore their weaknesses and augment their strengths. Whether you already have professional stage credits, or you are on the journey towards it; whether your specific concentration is stage presence, vocal flexibility, body language & movement, conveying information, mastering powerful storytelling, or coming out of your character shell; the focus is to take you as an INDIVIDUAL within the group and bring you up to YOUR next level – or the next three levels!
Every single person will be extremely focused on in creative ways. No hiding in the background or easy rides here! We will prove that the process can be awesomely fun. This series will culminate in a funny, moving, and powerful Showcase Performance. The greatest gift in the universe is when you don’t even realize how hard you’re working because of how much fun you’re having.
Broadway Academy Intensive – Scenes, Songs, Characters, Choreography, Performance.