Meisner Technique & Scene Study in Action: Learn to Live & Attack the Moment

Age 13-19
Saturday, Apr 12 - Jun 07
Sunday, Apr 13 - Jun 08
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Pearl Studios
519 8th Avenue, 12th Fl
New York, NY 10018

Sanford Meisner said “Acting is about what you get off the other guy.” Most actors think they will control the direction of the scene.  This is backwards.  They must remain vulnerable and unsure, allowing their scene partner to influence them.  If you anticipate or know the next moment, you’ve failed as an actor.

We’re always curious as to how young actors prepares for a scene.  Most run to memorize and try to get a good feel as to how they think the scene should go.  In most cases, the scene will never go the way you think it should go.  Let’s let go of that thought right now.  An actor’s focus is simple.  There’s something you need from your scene partner in every scene.  You must focus on that alone, and go for it.  There’s no need to focus on volume, pacing or choices ahead of time.  Let’s understand our given circumstances in each scene, and fill in the blanks where we need to in order to get a full understanding of the scene.

In this class, ATNY’s strongest coaches will help the young actor focus and learn how to prepare, so whenever you get an audition, you’ll have the tools to move forward on your own.  We strongly recommend improvisation, as this skill is essential for allowing actors to be surprised by themselves in each and every moment.  This class allows for only 10.  Should demand exceed this limit, ATNY will open a second class and divide lower teens and upper teens.

Note: ATNY reserves the right to combine age groups on Saturdays, as Sunday holds greater demand.

Meisner Technique & Scene Study in Action: Learn to Live & Attack the Moment
Select a date to register:
Starting Saturday Apr 12, 2025
7 Weeks, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Starting Sunday Apr 13, 2025
7 Weeks, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
  • Friendly Payment Plans by Phone, 917-763-1777
  • PayPal Payment Option – Buy Now, Pay Later
  • Optional 8th Week Industry Showcase
  • No Classes Easter & Memorial Day Weekend

    * Class Credit Applies to New Face Registrations Only.

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