- Monday – Friday, 10:00am-3:00pm (Early Drop off’s at 9:30am)
- NEW: Audition Fridays w/ Top Casting Directors, Agents
- Actor Marketing Tapes by Request
It’s the real stuff. Play out your feelings and don’t do anything unless you have the impetus to do something. The camera won’t lie. If you are faking feeling or not understanding why you are saying what you are saying, your words will be empty. It’s time to focus. It’s time to listen and allow yourself to be affected by what’s coming at you.
ATNY’s Professional Summer In-Studio Comprehensive Camps are designed to be flexible, comprehensive and career enhancing. Each camp week consists of 8 practical genres of study, all contributing to a young actor’s continued growth and progression. No two weeks are alike, so register for several weeks for continued study!
Camp 5: Through legit dramatic scene and monologue study, young actors will learn and hone the art of realism and naturalism. There’s a high dose of Meisner Technique this week, as we learn to focus external to ourselves. You don’t change, you allow your scene partner to make you change. This camp is for all levels and all ages. You’re never too young to learn to be real and be you. We’ll lose all the acting this week and focus on all things organic. We’ll teach our young campers how to use imagination to get to where you need to be with identifying with experiences you’ve not felt as of yet in your young lives. Final Friday Industry Day is for parents to attend. We’ll close up on you, and see the progress as we see the realism in your eyes.
Program Includes: Improvisation, On-Camera Comedy/Drama, On-Camera Audition Technique, Voice-Over Technique, Meisner Technique, Scene Study, Monologue & Character Study, Actor Movement, Final Industry Hour.
- Please bring Lunch or Parent Note to Leave for Lunch (11:30am – 12:30pm)
- Friday Industry Hour, Special Agent, Manager or Casting Director Guest
- Actor Marketing Tapes by Request
3-Day Camps or 1-Day Drop-In’s to Customize your Summer Schedule. Summer is meant to be more flexible, so ATNY allows parents to customize week to fit their summer schedule. For more information or to register by phone, contact ATNY.