- Monday – Friday, 10:00am-3:00pm (Early drop off’s at 9:30am)
- Weekly 5-Day Camps or 3-Day Flex Options
- NEW: Audition Fridays w/ Top Casting Directors, Agents
- Actor Marketing Tapes by Request – Contact ATNY
ATNY’s Professional Summer In-Studio Camps are designed to be flexible, comprehensive and career enhancing. Each camp week consists of 8 practical genres of study, all contributing to a young actor’s continued growth and progression. No two weeks are alike, so register for several weeks for continued study!
Camp 6: Actors will work closely with other actors On-Camera and discover what makes a comedy scene work. Scripts from Sam & Cat, iCarly, Victorious!, Game Shakers and other memorable hit shows of the past will be used. We’ll incorporate improvisational exercises and partner you up with others! We know your child is a rock star at home. That’s not what matters. Can they be a Rock Star in front of Camera? Do they have the courage to go with a gut impulse and be spontaneous? Feedback and adjustments by our Los Angeles Producer Guest by zoom. Each actor will have 1-on-1 experience with this big time Executive Producer.
Program Includes: Improvisation, On-Camera Comedy/Drama, On-Camera Audition Technique, Voice-Over Technique, Meisner Technique, Scene Study, Monologue & Character Study, Actor Movement, Final Industry Hour.
- Please bring Lunch or Parent Note to Leave for Lunch (11:30 – 12:30pm)
- Friday Industry Hour, Special Agent, Manager or Casting Director Guest
- Actor Marketing Tapes by Request
3-Day Camps or 1-Day Drop-In’s to Customize your Summer Schedule. Summer is meant to be more flexible, so ATNY allows parents to customize week to fit their summer schedule. For more information or to register by phone, contact ATNY.