ATNY TV/Film Summer in New Jersey!
A comprehensive TV/Film Acting Camp for all ages. ATNY’s Professional Summer Tenafly Camp is designed to be flexible, comprehensive and career enhancing, contributing to a young actor’s continued growth and progression.
In this special comprehensive Act & Audition Camp, actors will get several scripts, monologue and scene, for the week. We’ll cover the moment-to-moment realism of dramatic acting, as well as the 3-camera Nickelodeon/Disney format, requiring a quicker pacing and more improvisation ability. Actors will learn how to incorporate a sense of themselves into copy, and trust their instincts and gut throughout, truly living moment to moment. We’ll focus on the unplanned, as we teach actors to not control the scene; rather, allow each moment to play themselves out and define themselves. Less focus on being interesting, more focus on being interested in objective. Final Friday Industry Hour!
Program Includes: Improvisation, On-Camera Comedy/Drama, On-Camera Audition Technique, Meisner Technique, Scene Study, Monologue & Character Study, Actor Movement.
3-Day Camps or 1-Day Drop-In’s to Customize your Summer Schedule. Summer is meant to be more flexible, so ATNY allows parents to customize the week to fit their summer schedule. For more information or to register by phone, contact ATNY.