*Can’t commit to 5 days in a camp week? Let us help, we’d still love to see you! Choose any 3 days in the camp week and customize your schedule! Summer can be a difficult time, so we’re flexible! Once you register, just give us a call (917-763-1777) or an email (info@actorstechniqueny.com) to let us know for which three days you would like to come in.
Monday – Friday, 10:00am – 3:00pm
NEW: Audition Fridays w/ Top Casting Directors, Agents
ATNY’s Professional Summer In-Studio Comprehensive Camps are designed to be flexible, comprehensive and career enhancing. Each camp week consists of 8 practical genres of study, all contributing to a young actor’s continued growth and progression. No two weeks are alike, so feel free to register for all summer learning.
Camp 8:
Actors are usually much better actors than writers, even though they like to attempt to write their own scripts and monologues. In this first-time camp, actors will begin to write their own scenes and monologues with the initial help of Artificial Intelligence. This will make their work ‘one of a kind.’ Then, we’ll put the human touch of emotional elements into each product.
What kind of scene would you like? Now, you can tailor it to exactly the circumstance you’ve imagined in your head. Nice!
And, of course, our comprehensive classes will remain for the week, so actors get the best of improvisation and audition technique. You can bet industry will love the scripts on Friday!
Program Includes: Improvisation, On-Camera Comedy/Drama, On-Camera Audition Technique, Voice-Over Technique, Meisner Technique, Scene Study, Monologue & Character Study, Actor Movement, Final Industry Hour.
- Please bring Lunch or Parent Note to Leave for Lunch (11:30am – 12:30pm)
- Friday Industry Hour, Special Agent, Manager or Casting Director Guest
- Early Drop Offs & Late Pick Ups by Request ($20/day)
3-Day Camps or 1-Day Drop-In’s to Customize your Summer Schedule. Summer is meant to be more flexible, so ATNY allows parents to customize week to fit their summer schedule. For more information or to register by phone, contact ATNY.
- 5-Day Registration: $795 (Youth Members, $715.50)
- 3-Day Registration: $495
- Friendly Payment Plans by Phone
- $50 Discount Per New Face Referral!